Matthias Le Brun@bloodyowl

An alternative migration path for ReasonReact



Why the new API?

ReasonReact 0.7.0 came out recently, with a really nice set of features:

  • A closer model from the official ReactJS API
  • Hooks
  • Zero-cost bindings

From some time now though, ReasonReact leverages function named parameters which provides a really nice set of features natively, such as defaults, optional parameters and ability to pattern match values.

This was possible through a JSX transformation and some bindings that would apply these arguments at call site, and return a new version of the component whenever called.

A component would look like this:

/* */
let make = (~param1, ~param2, children) => {
  render: _ => <div />

And the call site <MyComp param1 param2 /> would desugar to something like this:

React.element(~key, ~ref, MyComp.make(~param1, ~param2, [||] /* children*/))

and would reuse the previous component through some magic in React.element, by keeping a reference to an actual React component class that'd render using the component spec it received.

This magic worked while relying on the class-based API, because it wouldn't matter that the make function had a different identity at each run, as React.createElement effectively received class.

With function component though, the story is a little different: function identity matters here. It'd be possible to wrap every component with a higher order one, but that wouldn't make for a good developer experience, and would possibly be a little heavier to run.

The obvious choice would then be to start using directly the JS Object as props, just like in ReactJS. However, that wouldn't let us benefit from the really nice features function params give us (defaults, optionals, pattern matching…).

Therefore was introduced the [@react.component] attribute. What it does in summary:

let make = (~prop1, ~prop2, ()) => {
  <div />

is that it leverages [@bs.obj] (zero-cost except in edge-cases) and roughly generates the following:

let makeProps: (~prop1, ~prop2, unit) =>
  {. "prop1": 'a, "prop2": 'b};

let make: ({. "prop1": 'a, "prop2": 'b}) =>

This way, the new JSX API can simply desugar to:

React.createElement(MyComp.make, MyComp.makeProps(~prop1, ~prop2, ()));

which is, thanks to BuckleScript, compiled to:

React.createElement(MyComp.make, { prop1: prop1, prop2: prop2 });

Planning the migration

Of course, changing the way JSX works must have been a tough call for the ReasonReact team, as the API has been pretty stable for some time before that, but I'm sure the benefits in the long run will be really important.

Now, how do we handle the transition?

The original plan Ricky Vetter had was to create a hook that'd wrap the old component specs and act as a compatibility API. In the end, he assessed that this way wouldn't be able to provide a script that'd be safe enough for people to use and provided a different kind of migration path.

I really found the idea to be elegant though, and if I ever released it and it was a bit rough around the edges, people wouldn't be as mad as they would've been with an official migration.

So I went on from Ricky's work, patched a few things and made reason-react-compat. The main concept is that it replicates the lifecycle using hooks. It has of course some small issues, such as retriggering a render each time you send a side-effect and might be a little aggressive on willReceiveProps (treat it as it was getDerivedStateFromProps). Other than that it should mostly work, and these are tradeoffs I'm personnaly willing to make for my own codebase.

After having that, I wanted to make an automated codemod, and ended up with the following list of what it needed to do (lots of points here are motivated by how my internal codebase is made):

  • Add [@react.component] to make functions returning a component in implementation
  • Wrap these components with ReactCompat.useRecordApi
  • Turn ignored children (starting with _) to unit in implementation
  • Turn used children into a named parameter and append a unit parameter in implementation
  • Use React.Children.toArray at the top of every make function's body that use them as such (children type isn't guaranteed to be array(React.element) anymore)
  • Add [@react.component] to make functions returning a component in interfaces
  • Turn array(React.element) into React.element for children in interfaces
  • Turn React.component(a, b, c) and React.componentSpec(a, a, b, b, c, c) into React.element in interfaces' make return value
  • Handle all of the above for nested modules and functors

So I forked Cheng Lou's upgrade-reason-react and started working with the AST (it's really fun, you should try it!) and ended up with a decent transformation (at least for my test cases). If you're interested, the above transformation script is available on GitHub, you can check the input in test/cases and output in output/test/cases.

While I was at it, I also released a useReducer hook that allows returning an update (NoUpdate, Update, UpdateWithSideEffects or SideEffects) because I find that to be one of the best way to orchestrate things in your components, you can check it out in its repository.

If you want to try these, be sure to ping me in Twitter, Discord or GitHub if you run into any issue!

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