Matthias Le Brun@bloodyowl

What is the option type, and what does it solve?


Most popular languages right now have a particular value called null, which represent the deliberate absence of a value (JS also has undefined, which pretty much works the same but has a slightly different purpose).

With that in mind, most statically typed functional languages don't have a concept of null. They express it using a variant type. This particular type can be seen as a little container that wraps a value (or no value), and is generally called option or maybe.

The type itself

It looks like the following:

type option('value) =
  | None /* meaning no value */
  | Some('value) /* meaning one value of type `'value`*/

'value here is what we call a type parameter, and it enables types to be «generic»: it lets you or the language inference to refine it later.

let isMyself = fun
  | Some("Matthias") => true
  | Some(_) | None => false;

Here, the function will have the following signature:

let isMyself: option(string) => bool;
                  /* ^ see? it got filled! */

These type parameters enable us to create generic abstractions over types. We can for instance create a map function for options:

let map = (opt, f) =>
  switch (opt) {
  | Some(x) => Some(f(x))
  | None => None

This function can be used for any option! Let's look at the inferred signature:

let map: (option('a), 'a => 'b) => option('b);

This reads as:

  • we have a map function
  • it takes an option containing a value of type a
  • it takes a function that takes a value of type a and returns a value of type b
  • it returns an option containing a value of type b

As another exemple, here's a flatMap function for options:

let flatMap = (opt, f) =>
  switch (opt) {
  | Some(x) => f(x)
  | None => None
/* let flatMap: (option('a), 'a => option('b)) => option('b); */

What option solves

let item = array.find(item => item === undefined ||

This code will return:

  • an object if an item with a truthy active field is found
  • undefined if an undefined item is found
  • undefined if nothing is found

As a result, we're unable to know in which case we are if we receive undefined as return value.

Please note that the problem would've been the same with null values in the array and some library find function that'd return null.

If we want to actually be able to differentiate the last two cases, we'd be forced to use another function, findIndex:

let index = array.findIndex(item => item === undefined ||;
if(index == -1) {
  // not found
} else {
  // found
  let item = array[index];

That looks bulkier, and that's because the find function in this context doesn't give you enough information: the undefined is «swallowed», and you need to deduce it yourself using some extra-logic (here, the index where the item is found, because it returns -1 when it doesn't find anything).

The option type solves this problem quite elegantly. Where null replaces the value, option wraps it: it's a container.

/* getBy is the equivalent of find */
let item = array->Belt.Array.getBy(
    | None => true
    | Some({active}) => active

First, array has the following type:

let array: array(option(value));

And getBy the following one:

let getBy: (array('a), 'a => bool) => option('a);

Let's replace the type parameter by the refined type so that we can see what we'll get:

let getBy:
    option(value) => bool
  ) => option(option(value));

item, the return value, will therefore have the following type:

let item: option(option(value));

It's an option of option of value. This means we can extract what actually happened from the return value:

  • if the result is Some(Some(value)): we found a value with a true active field
  • if the result is Some(None): we found a value that's None
  • if the result is None: we didn't find anything
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