Matthias Le Brun@bloodyowl

Orchestrating requests at component level


In a previous article, we saw how we can model request statuses in our ReasonReact component state, so that we prevent weird or impossible states.

Now, let's see how we can orchestrate them within our components.

When I was using JavaScript, I generally put all the logic involving server requests in Redux. This wasn't an obligation, but thinking in actions really helped figuring out what was happening, which was harder when calling setState all over the place. Using Reason, and given the evolution of React, I feel I don't need this anymore:

  • with reducer components, thinking in actions and state can happen locally
  • props drilling is ok when backed by a static type system
  • portals reduce the need for a global store that components subscribe to: you can pass the data from a component to a portal that's rendered elsewhere
  • true isolation between components makes a lot of things easier: they're reusable, their data dependencies are explicit and statically analysable, and their implementation doesn't leak to a shared store
  • reducer components embed a powerful update mechanism, which is much more practical than using lifecycle or chaining promises in actions

In practice

Let's say we have a component that needs to fetch a User and then fetch their Statistics, which are identified by a value we might find in the payload of the first request.

First, we can write an interface file (.rei) that lets us define what we want to expose from the implementation file we're about to do:

type state;

type action;

let make = array(React.reactElement) =>
  React.component(state, React.noRetainedProps, action);

This will help the compiler notice dead code, and making state and action opaque to the outside world even enables us to check if action constructors ever used, enabling the removal of entire codepaths that aren't ever executed!

Now for the implementation file:

Define the state we want:

type state = {
  user: RequestStatus.t(Result.t(User.t, Errors.t)),
  statistics: RequestStatus.t(Result.t(Statistics.t, Errors.t)),

The actions that will occur:

type action =
  | LoadUser
  | ReceiveUser(Result.t(User.t, Errors.t))
  | LoadStatistics(string)
  | ReceiveStatistics(Result.t(Statistics.t, Errors.t));

Our initial state will look like this:

let initialState = {user: NotAsked, statistics: NotAsked};

So, we now have the basics! We can start writing our reducer:

let reducer = (action, state) =>
  switch (action) {
  /* show as loading, then start the request */
  | LoadUser =>
      {...state, user: Loading},
        ({send}) =>
          User.get()->Future.get(payload => send(ReceiveUser(payload)))
  /* when we find a statisticsKey, set the user and start the second request */
  | ReceiveUser(Ok({statisticsKey: Some(key)}) as user) =>
      {...state, user: Done(user)},
      (({send}) => send(LoadStatistics(key))),
  /* otherwise just set the user */
  | ReceiveUser(user) => Update({...state, user: Done(user)})
  | LoadStatistics(key) =>
      {...state, statistics: Loading},
        ({send}) =>
          ->Future.get(payload => send(ReceiveStatistics(payload)))
  | ReceiveStatistics(statistics) =>
    Update({...state, statistics: Done(statistics)})

Pattern matching our actions is really interesting here:

  • If the User request fails or doesn't contain a statisticsKey, we don't even bother querying Statistics: we just store the error or user in state, and can render UI accordingly
  • We can easily see the request chaining

All that's left to do is a bit of pattern matching in our render function:

switch (state.user) {
| NotAsked => React.null
| Loading => <ActivityIndicator />
| Done(Error(error)) => <ErrorIndicator error />
| Done(Ok(user)) =>
    <UserCard user />
      switch (state.statistics) {
      | NotAsked => React.null
      | Loading => <ActivityIndicator />
      | Done(Error(error)) => <ErrorIndicator error />
      | Done(Ok(statistics)) => <Stats statistics />
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